Monday, 25 August 2008

Wire things sometimes difficult?

Well, the back axle has now been changed, along with new hubs on the front.

It's taken about 2 weeks worth of evenings; and that includes stripping down the new axle and repainting it, and undersealing the bits of the car that can't be accessed with the axle in place.
All that's left to do is re-bleed the brakes as they aren't very efficient at the moment (they take a couple of pumps to actually do anything); and buy/fit a new handbrake cable, as I didn't realise that they were of a different length to cars with steel wheels.

Anyway - what do you think?! Apologies, these pictures have just been taken after the car was driven out of the workshop into the rain; so she's not very clean AND is covered in water!

I think it makes a huge difference from what they used to be like:

The car now sits a lot lower as the wheels are 14" as opposed to the 15 inch rims she was previously on: the car now looks a lot more sporty as she's so much lower!

Ooh and another thing; all of the side trims are now fitted, so on the whole, the car looks a lot more complete!

Recent Progress

Well, I've done quite a bit since the last blog actually. I've finally peeled my orange and the car is now looking alot better, although there are a few patches that could do with another going over. I've aligned the passenger door, so that now fits as flush as it can. I've had the bumpers and valance off, and have u/sealed all atound the inaccessible areas. Sadly though, I don't have any pictures of the finished article, because as soon as I'd finished it, the car was driven into the garage;jacked up, and work has started to replace the back axle! I'll be keeping you up to date with that, and will post here again soon I hope!